Darragh Valuations Limited
Te Awamutu
Does working in a smaller town with less traffic and congestion sound appealing? Then how about coming to Te Awamutu which is only 20 minutes south of Hamilton City.
Darragh Valuations Limited is a long established and successful business with wide connections in the residential and rural environment.
We are looking for an efficient, competent, experienced registered valuer to complete residential, rural/residential and smaller lifestyle properties in the Waipa, Otorohanga and Waitomo districts. This is also an opportunity to branch out into valuing commercial properties. This position is for an immediate start. If the prospect of taking over the business when John retires appeals, then this could also be an excellent opportunity for you to explore.
You will be given the opportunity to work with John Darragh (owner/valuer) and currently Gina Duncan who specialises in valuing farms. We are supported by Julia, our secretary, who currently works 4 days per week.