Robertson Valuations Limited

Robertson Valuations Limited are Kapiti’s longest established property valuation practice. Our registered valuations provide professional, independent advice based on extensive market research and considerable experience. Our many years of experience in the Kapiti property market means you will receive well informed and considered advice from an independent property professional.

Our company has established a reputation for integrity and reliability with personal service. With a background in both urban and rural property valuing, Robertson Valuations can provide a wide range of assessments for residential, commercial, industrial, lifestyle and rural properties.

Whether you are buying, selling, refinancing, leasing, building or developing, we can assist you to optimise your property investments.

We value properties on the Kapiti Coast, and also:

  • Aotea

  • Pukerua Bay

  • Paekakariki

  • Raumati

  • Paraparaumu

  • Waikanae

  • Peka Peka

  • Te Horo

  • Otaki